6 Essential Life Skills for High School Graduates

So you're a high school graduate now. Congrats! You've successfully completed one of the most important phases of your life. Now it's time to focus on the next phase: becoming a responsible adult. Luckily, we're here to help with that. Here are 6 essential life skills that every high school graduate should know. Master these and you'll be well on your way to success in adulthood. Let's get started!

How to do your own laundry - including separating colors, whites, and darks

Doing your own laundry is a simple yet daunting responsibility. Separating colors and whites into different loads doesn't have to be difficult though. While it may seem like a no-brainer to separate the dark clothes, I've seen some people who just throw all their clothes together and get some interesting results!

The key is to stick with light colors with lights, dark colors with darks and then treating whites separately. It will make the process much smoother each time you have to do your laundry.

How to cook simple meals - pasta, eggs, grilled cheese, etc.

Cooking doesn't have to be complicated and it definitely doesn't have to be time consuming. Not to mention, you can whip up something delicious in just a few minutes! With ingredients like pasta, eggs and even grilled cheese, throwing together a quick meal without breaking the bank is totally within reach.

Plus, cooking at home gives you more freedom to switch things up - feel free to get creative by adding your own exotic spices or zingy seasonings that will take any dish from boring to brimming with flavor.

Don't be intimidated by the kitchen - mastering basic recipes is the best way for beginner cooks to go from subpar sauce maker to serious chef in no time!

How to budget and save money - setting up a savings account and sticking to it

Saving money can often seem overwhelming and intimidating, but it doesn't have to be. One simple way to successfully budget and save money is to set up a separate savings account dedicated specifically for this purpose. All you need to do is deposit a small amount from each paycheck into the savings account and watch that money grow over time – it's like having a personal piggy bank!

But remember, don't touch the funds in your savings account until you're actually ready to use them – make sure you are disciplined in sticking to your plan for maximum success. I know, it’s easier to call your parents to bail you out when you are short on cash, but building up a rainy day fund will help you be more self-dependent while learning valuable life skills.

Once you get yourself in that habit of budgeting and saving, financial security will be an entirely achievable goal! Learn more about personal finance here.

How to clean your living space - making your bed, doing the dishes, taking out the trash

Making your bed in the morning definitely sets the tone for success. But that's not enough to make your living space feel like a sanctuary - you have to bring a little love and attention to other areas too! Doing those dishes after you've finished eating doesn't sound like fun, but it needs to be done if you want to live in a hygienic environment.

Then come the dreaded trash bags. It's tempting to procrastinate or ignore them, but do your future self a favor and take them out asap before stinky smells waft through your living space. All these activities together can help turn your living space from an eyesore into one that inspires good vibes.

How to get a job and keep it - writing a resume, acing an interview, being punctual 

Landing a job is no small feat and requires dedication and proper strategy. Crafting a strong resume can be key to grabbing the attention of employers – make sure not to forget to include all relevant experience and skills, as well as the all-important splash of personality!

Showing up on time and impressing during an interview can be daunting, but with confident body language, a positive attitude, and concise articulate responses you will be able to show any potential employer that you’re the one for the job.

Want it badly enough? Put in the work and reap the rewards.

Not only will you get your dream job but with a strong work ethic, punctuality, and dedication you'll be well on your way to keeping it too.

Time management skills - learning how to juggle work, school/college, and a social life

Trying to manage the balancing act that is school, work, and a social life can be incredibly overwhelming. With so much on your plate it’s enough to make you pull your hair out – if only you had the time! But like any other skill, it can all be mastered with a few simple tips.

First up is prioritizing. Establish which tasks are most important and save those for when you have more energy or motivation and don’t forget to give yourself a break between activities.

Daily planners are also key partners in crime when it comes to achieving balance; they provide structure and help keep you accountable for hours spent looking at memes instead of making progress on a project. Use your phone’s calendar to plan your day and set reminders.

Lastly, flexibility is your friend. Don’t beat yourself up if something doesn’t go exactly as planned, just adjust and move on - there will always be another day to accomplish what you set out do today! Read more about this in our self-improvement section.

Now that you're an adult, there's no need to be afraid of doing your own laundry, cooking simple meals, budgeting and saving money, cleaning your living space, getting a job and keeping it, or managing your time properly. These are all essential life skills that everyone should know how to do. So congratulations on taking the first step in becoming a responsible and productive adult! If there's something else you'd like to add or know more about, let me know in the comments section.


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