20 Common Interview Questions and How to Answer Them

The job interview process can be a daunting part of the hiring process. Preparing for an interview is key to making sure you come across as competent, confident, and professional.

Having a clear understanding of the questions that are likely to arise during an interview with a hiring manager will help you prepare and make sure you have good answers.

This article outlines 20 common job interview questions and provides sample responses to help you answer them.

Familiarize yourself with the job description and requirements prior to the interview

This way you are prepared to answer questions about what skills and qualifications you possess that make you the ideal candidate for the role.

Types of questions asked by hiring managers

Basic interview questions

Basic questions that hiring managers ask are designed to get a sense of the candidate's ability.

They want to see what education and experience you have to ensure that you are qualified for the position and job responsibilities.

These questions give them insight into your last job, or current job, work style, and any gaps in employment history.

Behavioral interview questions

Hiring managers ask behavioral questions when interviewing candidates that are designed to gain a better understanding of how the candidate has handled challenges and difficult situations in the past.

They want to understand your problem-solving skills, self-awareness, attitude toward teamwork, and ability to take initiative to ensure they are the ideal candidate for an existing team.

Hypothetical questions

Hypothetical questions help employers get a sense of a candidate's thought process and how you would handle a certain situation that might arise in the job. They want to understand your approach to problem-solving and identifying solutions.

Why do they ask about you?

Hiring managers want to get to know a candidate's personality and what motivates them. They are interested in understanding why you are applying for the job and what makes you passionate about working for their organization.

Why do they ask about your salary requirements?

Employers want to ensure that they are offering competitive pay. They may also be concerned about budget limitations, so asking about your salary expectations gives them a better sense of how much you value the job and whether or not it fits within their organization's financial parameters.

First impressions matter

Be sure to dress appropriately and arrive on time. Be confident but not too aggressive in your answers, and remember to make eye contact with the interviewer when responding.

What to wear for an interview.

This depends on the company’s dress code, but typically you should aim for something business formal.

For men, this could include a tailored suit or slacks and a collared shirt or blazer; for women, a tailored blazer and skirt or trousers with a smart top is usually appropriate. Even if the company's culture is very casual, I would play it safe and dress formally.

Body language

Be mindful of your body language. Make sure to keep an open posture, with uncrossed arms and legs, and don’t fidget too much. Be friendly and enthusiastic when you enter the room and during the interview.

Read the room

Pay attention to the interviewer’s body language and questions; it can give you clues about what is important to them. Try to tailor your responses accordingly, while still staying true to yourself.

Why researching the company you are interviewing for helps

Interview preparation is a must if you want to stand out from the other candidates. Researching the company ahead of time can be incredibly beneficial.

By understanding the company’s mission, goals, values, and company culture you can tailor your answers to show how you will fit into the organization.

Additionally, it can give you a chance to come up with additional questions to show your interest in the role.

Most common job interview questions

Tell me about yourself.

This is your opportunity to give a brief overview of your experience and qualifications.

Try to focus on the experiences that make you most qualified for the position and that match the job description. Include formal education, online courses, and experience outside of the job scope that may be relevant to the position.

If it is an entry-level position or your first job, maybe talk about the team player experience you gained from playing sports at school.

What are your greatest strengths?

This is a common interview question. Think about the qualities that make you unique. Is it your problem-solving skills? Your organizational skills? Your excellent communication skills?

What did you like least about your last job?

If you can, try to answer this question positively.

For example, rather than saying you didn’t like the structure of the last company you worked for, you could say that you found the lack of career progression opportunities to be challenging.

If your supervisor asked you to do something that you disagreed with, what would you do?

In this case, you want to show that you are open to different perspectives and can handle differing opinions in a professional manner.

Explain that while you may have a different viewpoint, you are willing to listen to the other person’s reasoning and try to come to a mutually beneficial solution.

If you saw a coworker doing something illegal or unethical what would you do?

Explain that you would bring the issue to your supervisor or human resources representative as soon as possible.

You want to show that you are willing to confront issues in a mature and responsible way, while also protecting the integrity of your workplace.

Maybe you had a similar experience at your previous job that you can talk about.

How would your past coworkers and supervisors describe your interactions with them?

Give an honest answer and give an accurate description of how your coworkers describe you. What would your past supervisors say about you?

Highlight any positive feedback you have received in the past and emphasize your commitment to working collaboratively with others.

Explain that you value both constructive criticism and positive reinforcement, as they help you to grow and develop professionally.

What do you like to do outside of work?

This is your chance to show that you are a well-rounded individual. Talk about any hobbies, volunteer work, or other activities that you do.

This is also a great opportunity to show your creative side and share any special skills or talents that you have.

This can also be an opportunity to talk about how you stay motivated by taking time away from work to do things that bring you joy and energize you.

What are the qualities of a good leader?

A good leader is someone who is able to motivate and inspire others, while also being open to different perspectives. They should be able to promote a collaborative working environment and be willing to take constructive feedback.

A good leader should also be able to effectively delegate tasks and provide clear guidance and direction. Good leaders communicate effectively and are very self-aware.

What type of work environment do you prefer?

Think about what motivates you to succeed and explain how an ideal work environment should promote that.

Do you prefer a structured and organized workplace? Are you more comfortable in an autonomous environment? Do you like the freedom to take initiative and come up with creative solutions? What management style do you prefer to work under?

By describing your ideal work environment, you can help the interviewer get a better understanding of how you work and what type of team dynamic would be best suited to your skills.

Do you prefer to work alone or with a team?

This question is a great opportunity to show that you are adaptable and can work in both team-based and autonomous situations.

Explain that while you may prefer to work alone on certain tasks, you also understand the importance of working in a team and value the perspectives that come from collaboration.

By being open to both approaches, you can demonstrate that you are a flexible and versatile professional. that can work independently or as a team member.

What are your lifelong dreams?

Your lifelong dreams are an opportunity to showcase your ambition and passion. Talk about any long-term goals or plans you have, such as running your own business, traveling the world, or pursuing a specific career.

This is also a great opportunity to discuss any personal passions or hobbies that you have, as they can be just as important and fulfilling.

Explain how you have been working to achieve these dreams, such as taking classes or volunteering to gain experience. Showing that you are proactive in the pursuit of your goals can help demonstrate how motivated and driven you are.

Finally, emphasize that you are open to new opportunities and experiences while still being committed to achieving your long-term goals.

Why is there a gap in your work experience?

Be honest and explain the reasons for any gaps in your work experience. If you took a leave of absence to care for family members, took time off for personal growth, or had to take a break due to health issues, don't feel ashamed to discuss this.

You can emphasize what you learned from the experience and how it has helped you to grow as a professional.

You can also talk about any projects or initiatives you undertook during this time. Show that you used the time to your advantage and took steps to stay up-to-date with industry trends or develop valuable skills.

Give an example of how you have handled a challenge in the workplace before

Think about a specific challenge that you faced in the workplace, such as completing an important project or meeting a tight deadline.

Explain how you overcame this challenge by breaking it down into smaller goals and outlining a plan for success.

Talk about the resources you used to ensure that the project was completed on time and the steps you took to make sure that it met the required standards.

Mention any new skills or knowledge you gained from this experience and how it has helped you in other situations.

Show that you are proactive when it comes to problem-solving and can handle difficult tasks without becoming overwhelmed. Demonstrate that you can stay focused and motivated even in the face of adversity.

Discuss any lessons you learned from this challenge and how it has shaped your current approach to problem-solving.

This can help show that you are open to new experiences and have the skills needed to overcome difficult tasks and stressful situations.

What do you consider your weakness?

When discussing weaknesses, it is important to focus on areas where you have actively taken steps to improve.

Talk about any challenges you have faced and the steps you have taken to address them. For example, if you struggle with public speaking, mention that you are taking a course on presentation skills or have joined a Toastmasters group.

You can also mention any areas where you may not be as strong but are open to learning.

For example, if you haven't had much experience with a certain software program, explain that you are willing to learn how to use it. Show that you recognize where you need to improve and are taking the necessary steps to do so.

By highlighting how you are working on your weaknesses, you can demonstrate to employers that you are committed to self-improvement and growth.

Why do you want to work at this company?

Before your interview, you should take the time to research the company and get an understanding of its culture and values. Explain what drew you to the company and mention any initiatives or projects that you admire.

Show that you have a genuine interest in the company, its mission, and how your skills and experience can contribute to its success.

You can also talk about any values or goals that you share with the company and how your work could help to support them. Explain that you are looking for an opportunity to grow and develop professionally while contributing to the company's success.

What are your salary expectations?

When discussing salary, it is important to be realistic and honest about what you are looking for. Research the average salaries within the industry so that you have a good understanding of the going rate for the type of position you are applying for.

Explain that you would be happy to discuss your salary in more detail when the time comes.

Imagine yourself in three years. What do you hope will be different about you then compared to now?

Think about your goals and ambitions both professionally and personally. Consider the skills, experience, and knowledge that you hope to have gained by that point.

Talk about the areas you would like to develop and how you plan to use these new skills to contribute to your career.

Mention any awards, certifications, or positions that you hope to have achieved in three years and how they could help you reach your goals. Show that you are proactive and take initiative in furthering your career.

Explain that you have a long-term vision for success and are prepared to put in the hard work to reach it.

How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations?

When answering this question, it is important to emphasize your ability to handle pressure and stay focused under stressful situations.

Explain any strategies or techniques that you use to manage stress and remain productive. For example, you may take regular breaks throughout the day or go for a walk when feeling overwhelmed.

Discuss any past successes in difficult situations and how they have shaped your approach to problem-solving. Show that you are able to stay calm and composed even under pressure, so employers know that you can handle the demands of the job.

By emphasizing your ability to remain calm and focused in stressful situations, you can demonstrate to employers that you are a reliable and productive employee.

If you had to work with a coworker that annoyed you, how would you handle it?

When dealing with a difficult coworker, it is important to remain respectful and professional. Explain that you would work to resolve any issues in a constructive manner.

Mention strategies such as open communication and respect for one another's opinions. Talk about the importance of compromise and how it can be used to reach an amicable solution.

It is also important to demonstrate that you are able to look at the bigger picture. Show that you can stay focused on completing tasks and hitting targets, despite any personal disagreements.

Explain that your goal is always to create a productive working environment for everyone involved.

By highlighting your ability to remain respectful and professional in difficult situations, employers will be confident that you can handle any potential conflicts in the workplace.

Do you have any questions for me?

These are a few examples to ask during an interview

  • What is the hiring process?

  • What sort of challenges should I be prepared for in this position?

  • What is the most rewarding part of working at this company? What kind of value does the company place on professional development and growth opportunities?

  • What would be expected of me in terms of results and performance?

  • Who may I contact with follow up questions?

Practice in front of a mirror or record yourself answering the questions to ensure that you are speaking clearly and confidently.

It is important to research the company and position you are applying for before an interview, as well as have a good understanding of your own skills, experience and goals. When discussing your salary expectations, be honest and realistic about what you are expecting.

Also make sure to show enthusiasm for the role and have an idea of what your goals are for the next three years. Finally, demonstrate how you would handle difficult situations by focusing on solutions and open communication. By following these steps, you will be sure to have a successful interview!

Good Luck!


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